
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Grade Letter 12/3/2015

Hello All,

I am getting great feedback about the text message today. I wanted to answer questions in mass. I have shut down football related activities in lieu of the guys getting academic support after school. Like all of you I want our young men to do their absolute best in all areas of their lives. As a coach I realize the influence I have on our young men. What better message can I send to our guys when I see A/B intelligence and intellect getting frivolous C’s. I have spoken to a number of the guys and they are in fact working very hard, but some of them are not and they have settled with, “Coach I am passing.” Quite frankly as a teacher/coach and a parent that is just not acceptable.  The staff here at Hickman High School is excellent. Teachers are available to support your son academically before and after school. There is question I have asked the players over and over, “Is this your best effort?” In some cases it is and I respect the effort. However in some cases that effort is minimal or the answer is “But coach, I am passing though.” This is a young team, 60% of this team are freshman and sophomores. These are great kids and many of them are very smart. I want to and will continue to reiterate the importance of academics every moment they are near me. As parents you would not accept anything but their absolute best effort. We all remember a difficult subject. We also remember how hard we had to work in that class and the feeling of accomplishing a hard earned grade. Finally, there have been reports of behavior that has been called anything from “immature” to “distracting”. As I said I will address this with those individuals. I have also encouraged their teachers to contact home. For those kids that may need to stay after school to receive academic help, I am here Monday through Thursday until 6:30 if a ride home is needed. Grades will be sent home tomorrow. I encourage you to sit down with your son and pose that same question. Again if I or my staff can be of any service let me know. My coaches teach everything from Social Studies to Math. We will begin workouts again in January and you will receive information concerning that in the coming weeks.

Coach Monroe

Thursday, November 12, 2015

2016 Offseason

Hello All,

Please click here to view the calendar. It will also be updated on the google calendar on this site.

Right now I have the weight room open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday as I stated I would at the banquet. I am not keeping attendance and the workouts are more aimed at recovery and core strength. I strongly encourage any student not involved in another sport to be there, if and only if they have no real academic concerns. These workouts will continue until finals week.

Offseason workouts for football will begin in January. The lifting schedule for winter starts January 5th. I will be keeping attendance from that date until July 1st. This means that if your son is going to play football and is not in another sport he should be lifting with us. I have, and will continue, to coordinate our workouts with our strength and conditioning coaches so that even if your son has a strength and conditioning class there will be a purpose and benefit to that second work out. Added with that fact is the point that the weight room and the workouts are where we really form the team concept.  If your son is in another sport he will not be expected to lift with us. However it is strongly suggested that he enroll in an advanced strength and conditioning class.

As promised I posted the summer schedule in as much detail as I have at this time. For multi-sport athletes, especially baseball, I worked with Coach Mershon with the lifting schedule and the June camp schedule. The summer workout sessions will be conducted as follows:
  • The weight room will be open Monday through Thursday at 4:30 to 6:00 pm.
  • Coach Mershon who is a Certified Strength and Conditioning/PE teacher and our Assistant Head Baseball Coach will set our workouts and conditioning in concert with the football staff.
  • Athletes will have four days to get three lifts in.
  • Attendance will be taken and participation is expected.
  • If you chose to hire a personal trainer for your son that is your business. Please remember that the weight room is an area of evaluation for your son also. Our workouts, our team building exercises, our tests and measurables are what we will use to determine your sons’ role in this program.

In June we will have a mini camp which will conclude with our participation at the University of Missouri Football Camp. I do not have the particular details at this point but I will have them by the February 6th parent meeting. I have spoken to the Hickman baseball coaches and they know that your son will be playing football this week. As for your select baseball teams you and your son will have to make a choice.

In July I ask that football be the priority. As you can see from the summer schedule I have taken in consideration all of the potential summer activities. However if we expect to turn things around football needs to be the priority during this time. Remember all contact day practices are considered mandatory. Again if we want to get better we will need to practice as a team. We had a lot of absences for various reasons last summer. I hope by getting the schedule out this early you will be able to plan as a family to make football a priority.

Coach Monroe

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Football Banquet

The football banquet will be Sunday, November 8th. Please complete the RSVP form and turn it in to the main office.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Zero Hour


I wanted to take a minute and discuss some concerns about zero hour strength and condition that some of the boys signed up for. I am hearing concerns from some of you about work load and time spent at school. I want to first say that when I got together with or physical education coaches, and our strength and conditioning coaches, I was of the understanding that zero hour would be an A/B day class. I only recently came to understand that the class is being held for 50 minutes daily. Having said that, I also want you to know that I recognize your choice as a parent to determine you sons’ schedule. However I do want you to be aware of a few things before you make any changes:
  1. Zero hour strength and conditioning classes are common, and well attended, at the other two high schools in town and across the state. In football terms our opponents are getting the lift in.
  2. Our competing schools, outside the district, have a more traditional start time. That means they are starting earlier. They are getting up earlier, and yes, their day may finish earlier but relatively it is the same amount of time spent on campus.
  3. Lifting is important for health and strength maintenance during the season. Teams that continue to lift through their sports season have significantly less injuries and retain their strength gains from the off season. A regiment that includes moving the lactic acid from the muscles, continuing to build flexibility, and core strength only helps us compete.
  4. Finally, academics come first and foremost. Students who need extra help and tutoring with their teacher are encouraged to communicate that need to me and they will be allowed to practice without consequence when they return to practice with a note from the teacher. All of this is redundant if we are not being successful in the classroom.

Many of your sons have heavy academic caseloads and I understand your angst as well as your son’s stress. I have other players who have made schedule changes and are lifting later in the day. There are a few Strength and Conditioning classes that have spots but those are limited. If you feel a change is in your son’s best academic interest then by all means seek out that change.

Coach Monroe

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Parent Letter 8/16/2015 FAQs

Hello All,

Please bear with me because this will not be brief. This will be very informative I hope. I wanted to address some of your questions en masse about the upcoming season, school, etc.

Practice Time: Monday August 17th
We will practice Monday at 6:00pm. I know school starts Tuesday but we will need to get a full practice in as possible. Since many of the kids do not drive practicing at this time allow all parents to get off work and get kids to practice.

Practice Time Once School Starts
School ends during the year at 4:05 pm. We try and get practice started by 4:30. Notice the emphasis on try. Many of the boys need a snack because they have eaten lunch as early as 10:30 am. My plan is to provide snacks for the players. Last year the Touchdown Club was invaluable in helping with this.  Many may need to see the trainer, and most times we have only one that sees all fall sport athletes. Practice will be over no later than 7:30 every night. Please remember all of our opponents are practicing this long. The only difference is that their school day ends at 2:45 or 3:00.

New this year
Last year our varsity and varsity rotators came in on Monday mornings to watch film. I provided a continental breakfast and we watched our opponent. This year I am asking our varsity and varsity rotators to come in on Thursday mornings at 7:00 am. We will have our game walk thru and special teams walk thru. The program will provide a breakfast and the boys can get a shower and get to school. We will end the walk thru at 8:15 so the boys can shower and eat. They will be off Thursday night and thus have a night and a day to rest. Many programs cite this as a way to enhance performance on Friday nights. This will start Thursday the 27th.

Saturday Mornings
Saturdays are considered practice days. The varsity usually will come in for treatment by our medical staff if necessary and we will have important film sessions on us and our opponent. JV/FR teams will prepare for the game on Monday. It is imperative that your son be at practice. I know we all have other things in our lives. My coaches and their families are committed to being here. Please join us in making that sacrifice and commitment also. Practice on Saturdays in from 8:00 am-11:00 am.

Labor Day Weekend
We will have practice on Labor Day Monday September 7th. Since we have no school practice will start at 6 p.m. and run to 8:45 p.m.

Playing Time
I have made this statement in several parent meetings and other communication. Playing time is not guaranteed. My staff and I work hard to try and find a positive role for every member of this team. Over the years I have had several parents say, “Well if you were losing why wouldn’t you just play my son.”  Please stop and think about that statement before you make it. I value every effort these young men are making. To put a player in the game that has not earned the time, or will not be successful is saying exactly the opposite. If your son is not playing ask him why. The coaches on this staff provide feedback to our players daily. If your son is not playing he knows why. If he says he does not encourage him to ask his position coach or me.

My Son, Our Team
I have been blessed to be allowed to work with your most valuable possession, your son. Imagine if you will that your son is going to give a speech, or sing a song, or make a public presentation of some sort. While you watch him with great pride, a heckler starts to criticize his efforts, his ability, and his performance. You understand the amount of time and effort your son has put in to this endeavor. What this means to him. Your son, each and every one of you, plays for our team. This season there will be some great plays and some not so great plays. I ask that you continue to positively support your son as he plays for our team.

I would like to thank you for your support this summer and your continued support throughout the season. In closing I would like to remind you to join the Touchdown Club and get involved. Thanks again and I hope I have answered some common questions.

Coach Monroe

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Practice Monday, 8/10/15

As stated on the Calendar and in my letter about August practices, we will have two practices tomorrow August 10th. The first is from 6:00am-8:00am. The second will be at our normal practice time, 6:00pm-9:00pm.

I have asked the kids to get here 30 minutes early so we can do our pre-practice things and get started on time so that we may finish on time. I expect all players to be at both practices.

The Jamboree is this Friday the 14th at Hickman, with the season starting the week after.

Coach Monroe

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Parent Letter 7/23/15

Dear Parents,

I would like to thank you for your support this summer. Tomorrow starts our dead period here at Hickman High School. During the dead period, we, my staff and I, cannot meet with or talk football with your son for the next ten days. Practice begins again on August 3rd at 6:00 pm. I have posted our August schedule on the blog at

I would like to take a moment to talk about the practices in August. This summer many of you have had to make decisions that you feel were in the best interest of your son. As a parent, I understand that. As a coach I tried to be as fair and cooperative as I could be over the summer months. I will not make such concessions with August practices. Our opponents have used every minute of their contact time and will use every minute of their August practice time to finish preparing for the season. Hickman will also. If your son plans to be an integral part of this football program at any level it will be imperative that he attend every August practice. Ultimately I and my staff will be held accountable for any success or failure this program has. I know this and have accepted that responsibility for more than two decades, such is the nature of sport. I also know that your son and our team will not get better if we do not work together to make football a top priority after the dead period. Please keep this in mind when you make some of those parent decisions next month.

As you will read on the calendar Monday August 10th and Wednesday August 12th we are scheduled to have two practices a day. These practices will be for everyone freshman and upper classmen. Picture Day is scheduled for August 8th the time will be sent out via Hudl text as will practice time. Please do not forget that your son cannot practice without his physical. Please turn all physical in to the Athletic Director J.D. Coffman in the main office. Please do not send them to me. Mr. Coffman can be reached by phone at 573-214-3000, by email at, or by fax at 573-214-3057. As always it is my honor to be your sons’ coach. We look forward to a very promising season. Thank you for your continued support.


P.S. This event will be held tomorrow at the crossing from 1-3pm it is free!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Itinerary for Webster Groves Camp

2:00 pm Arrive and eat
2:45 pm Depart

5:00 pm Team Prep

6:00 pm Play Begins:

6:00 – 7:20 p.m. Round 1    
          North End-, Jackson v Ft. Zum South v FH North
          South End – Union v Oakville v Affton
          Practice FieldWebster v Hickman v Lafayette                                     

7:35 – 9:00 p.m. Round 2    
          North EndJackson v Hickman v Oakville,
          South End – Union v FH North v Lafayette
          Practice Field Webster v Affton v Ft. Zum South

9:00 pm Food and drink provided by the Eric Schmidt Memorial Football Camp snacks also provided by the Hickman Touchdown Club

9:30 Depart for Home

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Itinerary for SEMO 6/27

Itinerary for Southeast Missouri State 7 on 7 big man camp Saturday June 27 

5:00 am Arrive
5:15 am Departure
10:00 am Tournament/Challenge Start
2:00 pm Tournament/Challenge end
2:45pm Depart for home 

Trip takes 3.5 to four hours one way

Friday, June 5, 2015

K-State Tournament Itinerary

8:00 - 9:00 AM - Check In
9:00 AM - Officials & Coaches Meeting
9:10 AM - Welcome from Coach Snyder
9:25 AM - Rules & Field Locations Review

9:35 AM - Warm Up
10:10 AM - Round 1
10:50 AM - Round 2
11:30 AM - Round 3
12:10 PM - Round 4
12:50 PM - Round 5
1:30 PM - Round 6
2:10 PM - Round 7

2:55 PM - 7 on 7 Playoffs
5 on 5 Semi-Finals (stadium)
3:55 PM 5 on 5 Finals (Stadium)
4:20 PM - 7 on 7 Semi Finals (Stadium)
5:00 PM - 7 on 7 Finals (Stadium)
5:45 PM - Awards Presentation

Parents are welcome to attend the tournament.  Friendship House will be operating a concession stand on site serving breakfast, lunch and snacks and will be accepting cash or check.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Free Physicals (July 23)

Mizzou Orthopaedic Institute is offering a free Sports Physical for any middle or high school student on Thursday, July 23rd from 5-9pm (click here for more information).

All physicals need to be turned in to Hickman's Athletic Director, JD Coffman, by August 1 -- not the football staff.

K-State 7-on-7 Info

We will be leaving for Kansas State Saturday morning at 4:45 am. If your son is on the 7 on 7 team please have him here by 4:30 am so we may depart on time. We will return sometime Saturday evening. I cannot be more specific because I do not know what time we will finish play in the tournament. All food and drink will be provided by The Touchdown Club and the Hickman Football Program. Kansas State will be sending me an Itinerary for the day which I will post as soon as I get it. Parents are allowed to spectate.
Coach Monroe

Friday, May 22, 2015

Summer 2015 Parent Letter 5/22

Hello All,
I am writing in response to a number of calls I have received lately concerning a number of items. I am writing to answer in mass these common questions.

I know that the league that the baseball coaches have entered into is a Tuesday-Thursday league. I also happen to have football practice on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I understand that this may seem like it is a dilemma. However, my stance has not changed. We start the preseason of football in ten days. Summer baseball is just that summer baseball. I apologize if I seem harsh or uncaring. I want everyone to have opportunities, however, I must resubmit that it is my expectation that if your son intends on playing football in the fall, then he should practice as much with us as humanly possible.

Secondly, I am not speaking without experience in this situation; Hickman won championships in football and in baseball in 2004 and 2005. Many of the contributors in both programs lifted weights and during that summer practiced football when football was scheduled and played summer baseball opposite that schedule. What has changed is the contact days in football, and the numerous and varied levels of select baseball. I recognized this when I set the schedule.  Again, in most cases our schedule allows time for many things. But football time needs to be a priority also.

Again, I am not being insensitive but the responsibility and accountability for this program begins and ends with me. For this young team to be ready to perform in the opening Jamboree in 87 days we will need as many of our intended players practicing as much as possible. Finally, I have spoken directly with Coach Mershon who will be running summer baseball and Coach Devine and outlined my stance. They, as I, believe that cooperation can be had this summer.

Folks it is your vacation…..have a good time.

7-on-7 Waivers
Please just sign the waiver. There is no fee you need to pay. I really do not even need you to fill out anything other than your son’s name and any contact or insurance information. DO NOT SEND K-STATE ANY MONEY!!!!!.  Again, parent signature and any information pertinent to you as a parent. Our departure time will be announced for K-State next week.

The Touchdown Club Membership
There is a rumor that if you do not join the Touchdown Club and pay the membership fee we are asking of $175 then your son cannot participate in football. This is just a rumor. I do want you to keep in mind that the Touchdown Club provides for any and everything that I cannot with the football budget. This past season The Touchdown Club provided daily snacks, sports drinks, and bottled water, because some of our boys had not eaten since 10:30 am, and needed to eat something at 4:30 pm before practice. The Touchdown Club has also provided protein shakes, weekly team dinners, and entrance fees to event like the 7-on-7’s for every member. In the past team camp cost $140 with a $20 transportation cost and the night in Webster Grove was $20 per player with a $20 transportation fee. We are asking $175 from each family as a way to raise funds. This will be your fundraiser for the year. No selling cards, cookies, candy, etc. The club will use these funds to help cover summer expenses and expenses through the season. Again, joining the Touchdown Club has nothing to do with your son and his ability to play football.  Joining The Touchdown Club is one of the ways we ask that you help support the team.

Summer School
We will be finished with our morning lifting in time for your son to shower and get breakfast so that he is ready for his summer school class. Lockers and locks will be provided on June 1st. We encourage our athletes to lock up their valuables.

Your son can participate in summer activities without an updated physical. However, he will not be allowed to practice in August if he does not have an updated physical. An updated physical is any physical dated after February 1, 2015.

I hope I have cleared up some questions for many of you. I hope you have a restful and enjoyable weekend.

Coach Monroe

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Parent Letter 5/12/15

Hello All,

Welcome to summer. As we wind down towards the end school year, I wanted to touch base with you on a number of items to hopefully make the summer go smoothly. We are less than month away from starting our summer contact sessions and summer lifting. Please check the calendar at so that you can make yourself familiar with the summer schedule.

My expectation for summer is simply this: If your son is to participate in the Hickman Football Program, I expect him to participate in our summer activities. The summer is the prelude to football season. Our preparation this summer will directly affect our effectiveness as a football team therefore, I ask that you work with me to make football a priority on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday throughout the summer. From the start of our summer session we have just 38 opportunities to prepare for the season. There have been numerous phone calls and emails this spring about my view on student-athletes and multiple sports. I have tried to support those student-athletes having a well-rounded athletic experience here at Hickman with my scheduling. Simply put, your son does not get better as a football player, and we do not get better as a team, if we do not lift weights and practice football. I stated this position in my communication dated March 30th of this year.  Everything we do this summer will be an evaluation, an opportunity to compete, and a way to get better. Please bear with me as I touch on a few more topics for which I have received questions.

Have a good time.

What does my son need to start the summer?
I have asked all parents to join the Touchdown Club. I posted that letter and membership form on the blog. We are asking that each parent pay $175 to cover all summer expenses and meals during the season. Please review the letter on the blog from March 19th, 2015 to explain more about the Touchdown Club and print out a membership form.  For workouts your son will need gym clothes (t-shirt and shorts), tennis shoes, and cleats. If getting a pair of cleats is a problem, I have used ones here at the school.

What if we cannot join the Touchdown Club? Does that mean he cannot play?
If you cannot join the Club that does not mean your son will not be able to play football. Please keep in mind there are many ways the club supports our student athletes. There are also many ways you can help support the team. Please contact the Touchdown Club President, Matt Markley at or 573-673-5006 if you have further questions on how you can help. 

Calendar Changes
  • There will be no workouts the week of May 18th through May 22nd due to finals.
  • All players will receive equipment on June 1st (not just freshman). The Riddell company representative will be here on June 1st to professionally fit all the players with helmets.
  • On July 15th we will practice against Blair Oaks High School so that day will be reclassified as a competition day.

College Camps
This year I chose not to go to a college camp because, essentially, we are a young and fundamentally inexperienced football team. Many of our incoming seniors are being recruited by colleges and universities from all over the country. They have proven themselves in varsity action. They have film against varsity opponents and will be attending college one-day camps in an effort to be evaluated for scholarships. I have worked with these colleges and universities who have an interest as spring recruiting winds down. If your son is an underclassman without varsity minutes, a college camp is a complete waste of your money and time away from the program is lost. There is a saying I like to use, “Men lie, tape does not.” All of the college coaches want varsity game tape. Please keep this in mind.

For those student athletes involved in the recruiting process, I suggest attending one-day camps where there are multiple colleges and universities that will be present to evaluate athletes. These are:
  • Missouri State University One Day Camp on May 31st, Springfield Missouri
  • University of Illinois One Day Camp on June 4th, O’Fallon Illinois.
  • University of Kansas One Day Camp on June 5th, Lee Summit High School
  • University of Missouri Black and Gold Camps June 7th and June 9th
Please click the dates above for more information on a particular camp. I have also placed all the information I have for the various other one-day camps on the blog. You have to determine where you want your son to go and what you want to pay for. Please keep the Hickman schedule in mind as you make your plans. I too am evaluating our practices and contact days. If you have any questions please feel free to call me or stop by. I am at school every night until 6:30 p.m.

Remember the summer is the preseason for football. Please help me in making our efforts as successful as possible by seeing that your son is at as many football days as possible.

Coach Monroe

Thursday, April 2, 2015

L'Damian Washington FCA Event

Dear Parents,

I know that many of us come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs. The boys know I have a deep respect and observance for all faiths. The event that I have placed on the blog is sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Many of our current players are involved with FCA. However this is not about what faith you practice. The story of L’Damian Washington is inspirational and the young man is a phenomenal example of a young man overcoming adversity with dignity, grace, and poise. If you have time please support this event on Tuesday, April 7th at Mizzou. This young man is truly a role model for our youth.

Coach Monroe

Monday, March 30, 2015

FAQs (March 30 Edition)

How do I find out the schedule for the spring and summer?
You can download the summer schedule from the blog. You can also pick a copy up from the main office at Hickman.

Should my son be at workouts Hickman?
Right now there is no organized way to have all the incoming freshman come over from their respective schools. I have encouraged all the incoming freshman to participate in spring sports at their middle school. Running is the best training at this juncture for an incoming freshman. I recommended at the parent meeting that all incoming freshman run track at their middle school. It is a way to be competitive and stay in cardiovascular shape. For those student athletes who are already at on campus, there are several ways in which your son can work out even if he is involved in a spring sport. We have a 6:30 am workout and workouts after school. I strongly encouraged participation in the spring work outs. This winter and spring some coaches came together to create and schedule our workouts in an effort to create better camaraderie and to prepare your son to compete on may platforms.

Does my son need a personal trainer?
Paying for a personal trainer is a choice you have to make as a parent. A personal trainer makes his money by suggesting that working with him/her will help your soon best prepare for the season. The gist of the relationship is one based on a fee. Very shortly your son will be engaged in running and lifting workouts designed to enhance his explosiveness, change of direction and strength. This training will be designed, conducted, and supervised by certified individuals who will do this purely for the joy of working with your son. This training also encompasses the training you are paying for with a twist. You get it for free. The personal training industry has its place and it is your decision if you want to engage in it. However summer contact workouts will take a priority so please keep this in mind.

What does my son need to start the summer?
I have asked all parents to join the touchdown club. I posted that letter and membership form on the blog. For workouts your son will need gym clothes (t-shirt and shorts), tennis shoes, and cleats. I have used cleats at the school if getting a pair is a problem.

Are Contact days mandatory?
Yes. Missouri High School Activities and Athletic Association gives coaches 25 days were they may coach football. This was in an effort in part to acclimate students to the heat and reduce the need for two-a-day practices. Coaches all over the state will be using these sessions to prepare for the fall as we will here at Hickman. I have tried to accommodate multi-sport athletes with the schedule.  Our contact days will be Tuesdays-Thursdays. We do have a few competitions scheduled for two Saturdays in June and one Friday in July, but as you can see from the schedule there is a time and place for your son’s interest. I am asking that you commit football days to football.  Your son will have four other days to demonstrate his commitment to his other endeavors. If there are questions or concerns please see me. I can be reached at or at 573-268-4813

What if we have already planned our summer vacation?
Your vacation is your vacation. Contact days are not like spring workouts we expect your son to be there. However we all have families and families take vacations. Enjoy yours!!!!!

I have a copy of my son’s physical what should I do with it?
Please send a copy of the physical to our Athletic Director J.D. Coffman. Coach Coffman is the former wrestling head coach here at Hickman and has coached a number of other sports included softball and football. The Athletic Director’s office is where your son’s physical needs to go. You can mail it to him at:
J.D. Coffman
Athletic Director
Hickman High School
1104 North Providence
Columbia Mo. 65202

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Parent Letter 3/19/2015

Please read the letter from Coach Monroe at this link.

If you have not, please fill out the student information sheet so that we can add information to the data base.

Also, please consider joining the Hickman Touchdown Club (which Coach Monroe mentions in his letter).

Please turn in any completed forms to the main office at Hickman High School.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Summer 2015 Information

Parents of incoming Freshmen, you can view the presentation from the parent meeting here.

The current summer schedule for workouts and practices has been added to the Hickman Football Google Calendar (see the calendar tab above). You can also download the month-by-month calendars via the links below.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Zero Hour (2015-16)

Dear Parents,

Hickman High School is offering a zero hour strength training class next year. I encourage all football players to take advantage of this opportunity.

If your son takes zero hour strength training he will have a study hall in one of his 8 blocks. This is because students are only allowed to earn a maximum of 8 credits per year, so the study hall balances out the extra hour they are in class before school.

As the head football coach I can tell you that our team performs best when our student athletes take the opportunity to train during the day. This offering is in direct response to student need here at Hickman High School--I applaud both the Physical Education Department and the Hickman High School Administration for responding to our need.

Incoming freshman are allowed to take this course--just contact me if you have an interest so I can officially authorize your son’s choice.

Again this is a fabulous opportunity for our student athletes and I encourage them to take advantage of it. 

Finally, please remember the necessary MSHSAA eligibility requirements:

Freshman and Sophomores must be enrolled in and pass 6 of 8 classes.
Juniors and Seniors must be enrolled in and pass 7 of 8 classes.
Coach Monroe

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Off-season Update

Hello All,

I hope everyone had a restful and bountiful holiday. The Hickman High School Football off-season will start tomorrow morning with a session at 6:45 am that will end at 8 am. There will also be an evening session that will start at 4:30 pm and last until 5:45 pm.

I have posted this letter to answer some of the frequently asked questions and to allow you a window into the goals of our off-season program at Hickman. The goals of our offseason program are to develop strength, speed, and flexibility are what you might expect. However we also use our off season program to build team camaraderie, team accountability, and hone a taste for competition. Your son’s participation in the off-season is vital in the development of our program. 

Consistent participation is necessary to maximize development of our student athletes. I hope that my answers to the question posed below will answer some of the questions you may have.  If there is something I have not covered please feel free to contact me at or 573-268-4813.

What are the days that we will work out?
Workouts will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rest days are Tuesday and Thursdays.

Are players required to attend both sessions?
The optimal plan is for two workouts on those days. I have asked for most of the upper classmen to have a strength and condition class for PE. Freshmen for the most part are not allowed into strength and conditioning classes without permission from the teacher.  I had hoped that the boys could get two workouts in on our work days but I understand that there are issues with transportation, other siblings etc.  If your son has a Strength and Conditioning class he only needs to attend one of the sessions. Most of the players who drive are attending the morning session and then their strength and conditioning class. Most of our young people who do not drive will be lifting in the after school session. If your son does not have strength and conditioning class you will have to make the decision that best suits your particular situation about getting him there for both workouts.

Will a Schedule be posted?
Yes, on the blog and on the school website.

If my son is involved in another sport what should he do?
Football, Baseball, Wrestling, and Track, have all agreed to support this program. I am not saying other sports are not. We are starting a new year with an emphasis on creating a platform for all our sports.  The coaches of the above mentioned sports have discussed everything from the actual workouts to participation. Those athletes and any other Hickman athlete male or female that presents themselves will be trained. In regard to the Hickman Football Program, I expect all student athletes who intend to play football to participate in the offseason.  I understand that those student athletes currently in season may not be participating especially if I have not spoken with the head coach of that program. Again I refer you to the opening sentence of this answer.

Does my son need to do something outside the Off- Season program?
No. As I stated in my letter in December we have had great success with our offseason program over the years at Hickman High School. The way we have set the program, rest days will be just as important as work days.  We know how to train athletes. As I stated before this is not just about getting bigger stronger and faster, but also about building team, building community, and building pride. I expect all training activities to be completed by the staff and personnel at Hickman High School.  As I stated there is no need for personal trainers or the like. We have an accomplished staff here at Hickman High.

How Can I help?
Please help by getting your son to workouts as consistently as possible.  Also I found a pretty simple Nutrition Plan outlined by the staff at Baylor University. I found the plan easy to follow as did some of the parents who have read it. I posted it on the blog at 

As crazy as it may sound our success and failure will depend a lot on how we prepare and how committed we are to the work in the weight room.  In 2012 our attendance for 130 players was at 94% the following fall we were 9-2 and ranked 6th in the state.  In 2011 and in 2013 we were under 90% attendance in the off season.

I hope I have answered some of your questions. If there was something I have not covered please feel free to contact me.

Coach Monroe