
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Offseason Plan

Hello All,

As I stated at the banquet, I am writing to make you all aware of how we will conduct our offseason training program starting January 5.  Below I will detail a schedule that we believe will accommodated all of our athletes in all of their endeavors. This plan is the first stage in the culmination of talks and planning that has been conducted for two years between the various head coaches and training staff in the building. Our workout will be rooted in building explosive movement and flexibility, while building strength and gaining muscle weight. I have also found a meal program that is produced by the Baylor UniversityStrength and Conditioning program that you can peruse at your leisure. It will guide our discussions with the team about proper nutrition. We have come together with the various coaches in the athletic department who will also provide supervision.

As I have stated in other communication on the blog and verbally at the banquet, I expect all student athletes not participating in an in season sport to participate in our strength and conditioning program. I have also spoken with the head coaches in wrestling and track about the participation of those athletes in our conditioning program and the have agreed that participation in our morning workout session will be beneficial to all. As I have stated before there will be no need to continue to do any workouts outside of the strength and conditioning program. I have asked that all of our student athletes be enrolled in a strength and conditioning classes for their PE class. Because of the intensity of the program, rest periods will be just as important giving all out effort during our work periods. We will also be offering an afterschool session for those individuals who cannot join the morning session or who do not have a strength and conditioning PE class.  I would love to have as many student athletes as we could in the morning. I do know there are many variables that may play into this.

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

We will begin the morning session on January 5. Student Athletes should be ready to go to work at 6:45 am. Workouts will end in enough time for Student Athletes to shower and eat breakfast. The after school session will begin at 4:30 pm and will end at 5:45 pm.  Remember proper hydration, diet, rest will enhance our efforts.

In closing, my staff, the trainers, and the coaches at Hickman High School, are professionals and deeply committed to seeing our student athletes be successful in all their endeavors. We are committed to your student’s success. We have come together to help to prepare a complete program here on campus, a program that not only builds us physically, but psychologically as well.  We look forward to getting started.

Coach Monroe

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Offseason FAQs

Here are a few questions I have been asked by parents.

Question 1:
My son wants to play other sports?

Coach Monroe:
I want all of the boys to have a full a high school experience as they can possible have. The only thing I will state is that grades will always come first. Your son should try and participate in other sports. I want as many football players to wrestle as possible. Jed Paulsen, a state champion wrestler and all state football player, Luke Harper an all-state wrestler and football player, Lorenzo Williams, an all state  wrestler and football player, and of course J’Den Cox a four time state champion wrestler and two time all state football player are all examples of athletes who had success in both arenas. Wrestling works on an athletes’ natural balance and core strength. Wrestling teaches mental toughness and hand to hand combat. Wrestling is how man has prepared for physical combat since the dawn of time. Athletes can have individual success and team success at the same time. I would love for all of the football players to be involved in a winter sport, and wrestling gives us a great opportunity during the winter months to develop combat skills. Two of the young men mentioned played division one football, and as we know, one of the young men mentioned is a national champion wrestler as a freshman at the University of Missouri. All of our football players not involved in a winter sport should wrestle. Track is another sport that has direct skill enhancement for football. Although my boyish physique does not suggest it I played football and ran track as a young kewpie.

Question 2:
What about my son’s grades during the winter?

Coach Monroe:
My staff and I will be in constant contact with teachers about our student athletes’ academic and behavioral performance. We will continue to see that our student athletes get their needs met in both regards. The coaches and teachers at Hickman often talk about our athletes and we rely on each other to see that we are supporting our students as best we can. We believe that competing in the classroom at a high level is just as important as competing on the field.

Question 3:
Should I pay for a personal trainer?

Coach Monroe:
That is completely up to you. Athletes will also be encouraged to enroll in strength and conditioning classes during the day.  However when organized workouts start I will expect your son to participate if he is not participating in a winter or spring sport. This year at Hickman multi -sport coaches will be working together to oversee strength and conditioning workouts in the morning before school. This has been the culmination of the coaches in the athletic department using our resources to fashion a platform for all of our athletes to succeed. Over my 23 years here at Hickman I have witnessed several male and female athletes who reached their desired goal of college athletics by using our program here at Hickman. The football program alone has seen 15 players receive scholarships at various levels over the last three years. Our program, which was started in 1993, is a culmination of professionals who have doctoral degrees, master degrees, and decades of experience in training athletes both physically and psychologically and our athletes have competed at a high level. Our trainer and medical staff has some twenty two years of experience and thirty years of experience respectively. We constantly research what we are doing and how we are doing it in search of the most optimal program.  Simply put we know what we are doing and we have the track record to prove it. One of the foundation stones of our program is everyone working hard as a team. A team that works hard together fights together, and make no mistake, we will win together. As parents you are always welcomed to seek anything you think will benefit your son’s performance. I am here every night until 6:30 if you would like to discuss this further. We will start winter lifting after the Christmas break. I will be sending more communication home through HUDL and the blog about start date and times. I hope this clears a few questions up for everyone. Thank you for your continued support.

Coach Monroe

P.S. Do not forget to RSVP for the banquet.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hickman Football Banquet

The Hickman Football Banquet will be in the Hickman Commons on November 16 at 6pm.

The meal will be steak or chicken catered by Texas Roadhouse. All team members will eat for free. The cost is $10 for anyone over 10 years old, and $6 for anyone 10 and younger.

Everyone attending needs to RSVP with this form to Heather Croy in the main office.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Parent Letter 10/16

Good Afternoon,

Last night I received many calls about the upcoming World Series and practice next week, which happens to be the first week of the District Playoffs.  First let me thank you for asking in advance. Along with being up watching film, the question of whether I am okay with a player missing practice to go to the World Series kept me up until the wee hours. I would like to share with all of you my answer. I am not okay with a player missing practice for any reason.  Whether I have complete control over that situation is another question and that answer is evident also. That decision is yours as a parent and yours alone but I will state these facts.

These young men have been at this since the first week of June. They have remained together and fought on through adversity and ridicule from just about every corner. They have remained focused on trying to find their own success. Every week of the season, as we will on Saturday, they have gone out and met some of the best talent in the state of Missouri and even though many of those trials have ended in a loss on the record books they have become better men. The response by our student body last week was evidence that their commitment, fight, and loyalty has been a model for our school and community. They have endured and created momentum for the last regular season game and the upcoming district playoffs which is like a second season.

As parents I know each and every one of you recognize that when you make a commitment to a team or activity there will be time when sacrifices will be required. This is a time when I hope that you consider the commitment made at the start of the season.  Let’s look to finish what we started much like the Royals and the Cardinals.As parents you will always have the final say on what happens with your child and in this the final decision is yours. But in my mind the greatest athletes in the world will be practicing to beat whomever we play in the first round of district play and that is where I will be. As always I thank you for your support and I am honored to be your son’s football coach.

Coach Monroe

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Please print and sign the appropriate form(s). You can email the completed form to or fax to Hickman at 573-214-3056.

MSHSAA Concussion Form

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hickman Football Apparel

Football apparel is available for all fans via the link below.

The link will only be open through Sunday, August 24th.

To purchase, use the promotion name Hickman football and the access code kewpies.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Parent Letter Aug 18

Dear Parents,

This morning starts the first week of school and I wanted to take a moment to address a few things. I have posted the schedule for August on the blog at but I wanted to talk about the football program as it relates to school more directly. As you know school starts at 8:55 in the morning and ends at 4:05. We will practice every day after school from 4:30 to 7:00.  To be competitive we need to practice at least 2 and one half hours a day. Please believe our opponents are doing so. I know that I have taken liberties with time over the summer and I will do my utmost best to stay on time. However keeping to that schedule will involve your son getting down stairs and out to practice as quickly as possible. Some of your sons do not move quickly, but I will commit to this. We will never be on the field past 7:15 regardless of our start. I encourage you to help me impress upon the players how important it is to get to practice. To aid in keeping on time I am asking all varsity players (starters and players rotating) to come in on Monday mornings at 8:00 am for a film session for the week. As school starts tomorrow I am asking that the varsity players come in Tuesday August 19 at 8:00 am for film session. Our next Film session will be Monday August 25th and every Monday after that.  This will alleviate some of the prep time needed in the evening so I can keep to the time commitment in the evening.

The football program will be checking grades weekly. Those grade checks are due every Thursday. Hickman has a no F policy. That means that if a student has an F on his progress report then he cannot participate in the games until that grade is raised to passing. He may practice but he cannot participate. My policy has been more proactive. Students who are not holding at least a C in a subject area may be encouraged to see his teacher for tutoring. This may mean he misses practice and meeting times. I will also be contacting you, as his teacher should, about any grade below a C in a subject area. I know as parents we all want our children to strive for academic excellence. It is my belief that if you come to school every day and do your work to the best of your ability, listen to your teachers, and stay out of trouble a student can regurgitate at least a C. I too am seeking academic excellence in their efforts just as I am on the field. I will be discussing this expectation with the team tonight.

In closing I want to address a concern that was shared. All of you have been very supportive over the summer and that has really been appreciated by your son, me, and my staff. However I have been made aware that some of you may have been upset about the time commitment that football takes. I understand your son is part of your family just as he is part of the Hickman family and family is important. I also understand your son, as well as, you have an expectation of success in this endeavor. I assure you that I and my staff share that same expectation and want your son to have the very best experience playing football that he can have. Please understand that sacrifices are being made every day by your son, by you, by your family, by me, and by my staff and their families. Let’s continue to work together to make this a successful experience for all.

Coach Monroe

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

2014 Jamboree Travel List

The travel squad is linked here. We look forward to having your support tomorrow night at Rock Bridge.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August Information

Please find an updated pdf of the calendar for August here. This has also been updated on the google calendar.

Hickman's Football schedule for 9th, JV, and Varsity games is at this link.

Thank you!

Friday, July 18, 2014

$10 Physicals

Please see the attached flyer about $10 Physicals on Wednesday, July 23.

Parent Letter July 18, 2014

Dear Parents,

I would first like to thank all of you for all the support you have shown this summer. I know many of you had a million things to juggle and my staff and I appreciate your effort.  As the summer closes I need to make you aware of a couple of things.

Next week is the freshman camp. During this camp we will focus on bringing the entire freshman class up to speed to get them ready for their season. The district policy is that when we have a camp is that we have a charge. If you were at the parent meeting many months ago I stated that the cost of camp will be $75.00. I have changed the cost of the camp to $50.00. Most of the fee will be used to buy the camp shirts and shorts that your son will be wearing under his pads this fall. The camp practices will be from 6:00-8:00 please have you son here by 5:30. The camp will run from Monday thru Thursday. This is a schedule change. All Varsity players will lift at 5:00. The varsity will spend the rest of the week working out and watching film from their summer activities.

Tuesday we will also meet and discuss our Kewpie Card fundraiser. The Kewpie Card is a discount card with discounts from area restaurants and retailers that we sell for a fundraiser. Those funds are used by the Touchdown Club for team dinners and travel etc. These fundraisers along with the auction are very important in supporting the program and I beg your assistance in selling the cards. We are asking every player to sell at least 10 cards.

Friday July 25th starts the dead period were all organized activates are shut down.  Players may not come to the school for any reason. If your son needs to see a trainer for injuries please call our trainer Stefanie West at 573-819-0050. She will set up any treatment that is necessary. For the dead period I am going to encourage the players to work out and run in preparation for the upcoming season.  I would love for them to do this in an organized fashion. To that end I am suggesting that you may want to look at the Strength and Conditioning Factory (SCF) at 1004 West Worley.  Please let me clarify, I am not saying that all players need a personal trainer. This is your choice. I believe that a complete football program includes weight training and conditioning, which Hickman has provided for many years. However because of the dead period and our need to work out over that ten day period, I would like that workout to be as organized as possible. If you choose not to go that route your son needs to run at least 2 miles a day during the dead period.

Finally we start fall practice on August 4th at 5:00 p.m. If your son does not have a physical he will not be allowed to practice. Please be aware that your son will need a physical if he does not have one.  Again thanks for all of your support this summer.

Coach Arnel Monroe

Friday, June 20, 2014

Medical Waivers

SLMFCA Medical Waiver

National Guard Liability Waiver

National Guard Medical Waiver

SLMFCA 7on7 Tournament Schedule and Directions (June 21)

The tournament will be held at DeSmet High School Football Stadium.

David H. Hickman High School
1104 N Providence Rd, Columbia, MO 65203

Get on I-70 E/US-40 E
0.5 mi / 1 min

Follow I-70 E to Olive Blvd in Creve Coeur. Take exit 14 from I-270 S
111 mi / 1 h 37 min

Drive to N New Ballas Rd
1.0 mi / 2 min

Turn left onto Olive Blvd
0.3 mi
Turn right onto N New Ballas Rd

Destination will be on the right
0.7 mi
De Smet Jesuit High School
233 N New Ballas Rd, St Louis, MO 63141

Players will get a t-shirt and have lunch provided. There will be a concession stand available for other drinks and food items. There will be water provided to the athletes.

8:30 Coaches Meeting (Band Room) & Players Meeting (Stadium Bleachers)

There will be 6 games going on at same time on six separate fields in pool play. Each pool will have 4 teams assigned to it and will play a round robin tourney against each of the other three teams.

  9:30 round #1 pool play (6 games)
10:00 round #2 pool play (6 games)
10:30 round #3 pool play (6 games)
11:00 round #4 pool play (6 games)
11:30 round #5 pool play (6 games)
12:00 round #6 pool play (6 games)

 **pool winners plus top two at large teams (based on overall record and point differential with a plus or minus maximum of 21 points scored for each game) qualify to the GOLD DIVISION. The next group of 8 based on record/points will qualify for the SILVER DIVISION. The next group of 8 will qualify for the BRONZE DIVISION**

Each of the above divisions will compete in a single elimination championship tournament to crown a division champion.   

12:45 coaches meeting Gold, Silver, Bronze Division games posted (Band Room)
1:30 first round Gold, Silver, Bronze division (6 games) #1 seed vs. #8, #2 seed vs. #7
2:00 first round division games (6 games) #3 seed vs. #6, #4 seed vs. #5
2:30  semifinal division games (6 games)
3:00 CHAMPIONSHIP Silver and Bronze division games (2 games)
3:30 CHAMPIONSHIP Gold division (1 game)
4:00 CHAMPIONSHIP Presentation and Pictures (Championship Shirts)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

UCM Schedule

Our schedule for UCM is here. All of our match-ups are scheduled to be in Walton Stadium. 

Directions are at this link. The steps are below:
Get on I-70 W/US-40 W
0.5 mi / 1 min
Follow I-70 W to MO-13 S in Higginsville. Take exit 49 from I-70 W
76.9 mi / 1 h 4 min
Continue on MO-13 S. Take MO-13 Business to N Washington St in Warrensburg
17.0 mi / 22 min
Turn left onto MO-13 S
12.2 mi
At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit onto MO-13 Business
2.9 mi
Turn right toward NW 21 Rd
197 ft
Turn left onto NW 21 Rd
0.6 mi
Continue onto N Holden St
0.3 mi
Turn right onto W Young St
0.1 mi
Take the 1st left onto N Washington St
Destination will be on the left
0.9 mi
Audrey J. Walton Stadium
500 S Washington Ave, Warrensburg, MO 64093