
Friday, August 21, 2015

Zero Hour


I wanted to take a minute and discuss some concerns about zero hour strength and condition that some of the boys signed up for. I am hearing concerns from some of you about work load and time spent at school. I want to first say that when I got together with or physical education coaches, and our strength and conditioning coaches, I was of the understanding that zero hour would be an A/B day class. I only recently came to understand that the class is being held for 50 minutes daily. Having said that, I also want you to know that I recognize your choice as a parent to determine you sons’ schedule. However I do want you to be aware of a few things before you make any changes:
  1. Zero hour strength and conditioning classes are common, and well attended, at the other two high schools in town and across the state. In football terms our opponents are getting the lift in.
  2. Our competing schools, outside the district, have a more traditional start time. That means they are starting earlier. They are getting up earlier, and yes, their day may finish earlier but relatively it is the same amount of time spent on campus.
  3. Lifting is important for health and strength maintenance during the season. Teams that continue to lift through their sports season have significantly less injuries and retain their strength gains from the off season. A regiment that includes moving the lactic acid from the muscles, continuing to build flexibility, and core strength only helps us compete.
  4. Finally, academics come first and foremost. Students who need extra help and tutoring with their teacher are encouraged to communicate that need to me and they will be allowed to practice without consequence when they return to practice with a note from the teacher. All of this is redundant if we are not being successful in the classroom.

Many of your sons have heavy academic caseloads and I understand your angst as well as your son’s stress. I have other players who have made schedule changes and are lifting later in the day. There are a few Strength and Conditioning classes that have spots but those are limited. If you feel a change is in your son’s best academic interest then by all means seek out that change.

Coach Monroe

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Parent Letter 8/16/2015 FAQs

Hello All,

Please bear with me because this will not be brief. This will be very informative I hope. I wanted to address some of your questions en masse about the upcoming season, school, etc.

Practice Time: Monday August 17th
We will practice Monday at 6:00pm. I know school starts Tuesday but we will need to get a full practice in as possible. Since many of the kids do not drive practicing at this time allow all parents to get off work and get kids to practice.

Practice Time Once School Starts
School ends during the year at 4:05 pm. We try and get practice started by 4:30. Notice the emphasis on try. Many of the boys need a snack because they have eaten lunch as early as 10:30 am. My plan is to provide snacks for the players. Last year the Touchdown Club was invaluable in helping with this.  Many may need to see the trainer, and most times we have only one that sees all fall sport athletes. Practice will be over no later than 7:30 every night. Please remember all of our opponents are practicing this long. The only difference is that their school day ends at 2:45 or 3:00.

New this year
Last year our varsity and varsity rotators came in on Monday mornings to watch film. I provided a continental breakfast and we watched our opponent. This year I am asking our varsity and varsity rotators to come in on Thursday mornings at 7:00 am. We will have our game walk thru and special teams walk thru. The program will provide a breakfast and the boys can get a shower and get to school. We will end the walk thru at 8:15 so the boys can shower and eat. They will be off Thursday night and thus have a night and a day to rest. Many programs cite this as a way to enhance performance on Friday nights. This will start Thursday the 27th.

Saturday Mornings
Saturdays are considered practice days. The varsity usually will come in for treatment by our medical staff if necessary and we will have important film sessions on us and our opponent. JV/FR teams will prepare for the game on Monday. It is imperative that your son be at practice. I know we all have other things in our lives. My coaches and their families are committed to being here. Please join us in making that sacrifice and commitment also. Practice on Saturdays in from 8:00 am-11:00 am.

Labor Day Weekend
We will have practice on Labor Day Monday September 7th. Since we have no school practice will start at 6 p.m. and run to 8:45 p.m.

Playing Time
I have made this statement in several parent meetings and other communication. Playing time is not guaranteed. My staff and I work hard to try and find a positive role for every member of this team. Over the years I have had several parents say, “Well if you were losing why wouldn’t you just play my son.”  Please stop and think about that statement before you make it. I value every effort these young men are making. To put a player in the game that has not earned the time, or will not be successful is saying exactly the opposite. If your son is not playing ask him why. The coaches on this staff provide feedback to our players daily. If your son is not playing he knows why. If he says he does not encourage him to ask his position coach or me.

My Son, Our Team
I have been blessed to be allowed to work with your most valuable possession, your son. Imagine if you will that your son is going to give a speech, or sing a song, or make a public presentation of some sort. While you watch him with great pride, a heckler starts to criticize his efforts, his ability, and his performance. You understand the amount of time and effort your son has put in to this endeavor. What this means to him. Your son, each and every one of you, plays for our team. This season there will be some great plays and some not so great plays. I ask that you continue to positively support your son as he plays for our team.

I would like to thank you for your support this summer and your continued support throughout the season. In closing I would like to remind you to join the Touchdown Club and get involved. Thanks again and I hope I have answered some common questions.

Coach Monroe

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Practice Monday, 8/10/15

As stated on the Calendar and in my letter about August practices, we will have two practices tomorrow August 10th. The first is from 6:00am-8:00am. The second will be at our normal practice time, 6:00pm-9:00pm.

I have asked the kids to get here 30 minutes early so we can do our pre-practice things and get started on time so that we may finish on time. I expect all players to be at both practices.

The Jamboree is this Friday the 14th at Hickman, with the season starting the week after.

Coach Monroe