Thursday, December 3, 2015
Grade Letter 12/3/2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
2016 Offseason
- The weight room will be open Monday through Thursday at 4:30 to 6:00 pm.
- Coach Mershon who is a Certified Strength and Conditioning/PE teacher and our Assistant Head Baseball Coach will set our workouts and conditioning in concert with the football staff.
- Athletes will have four days to get three lifts in.
- Attendance will be taken and participation is expected.
- If you chose to hire a personal trainer for your son that is your business. Please remember that the weight room is an area of evaluation for your son also. Our workouts, our team building exercises, our tests and measurables are what we will use to determine your sons’ role in this program.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Football Banquet
Friday, August 21, 2015
Zero Hour
- Zero hour strength and conditioning classes are common, and well attended, at the other two high schools in town and across the state. In football terms our opponents are getting the lift in.
- Our competing schools, outside the district, have a more traditional start time. That means they are starting earlier. They are getting up earlier, and yes, their day may finish earlier but relatively it is the same amount of time spent on campus.
- Lifting is important for health and strength maintenance during the season. Teams that continue to lift through their sports season have significantly less injuries and retain their strength gains from the off season. A regiment that includes moving the lactic acid from the muscles, continuing to build flexibility, and core strength only helps us compete.
- Finally, academics come first and foremost. Students who need extra help and tutoring with their teacher are encouraged to communicate that need to me and they will be allowed to practice without consequence when they return to practice with a note from the teacher. All of this is redundant if we are not being successful in the classroom.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Parent Letter 8/16/2015 FAQs
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Practice Monday, 8/10/15
As stated on the Calendar and in my letter about August practices, we will have two practices tomorrow August 10th. The first is from 6:00am-8:00am. The second will be at our normal practice time, 6:00pm-9:00pm.
I have asked the kids to get here 30 minutes early so we can do our pre-practice things and get started on time so that we may finish on time. I expect all players to be at both practices.
The Jamboree is this Friday the 14th at Hickman, with the season starting the week after.
Coach Monroe
Monday, August 3, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Parent Letter 7/23/15
P.S. This event will be held tomorrow at the crossing from 1-3pm it is free!!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Itinerary for Webster Groves Camp
North End-, Jackson v Ft. Zum South v FH North
North End – Jackson v Hickman v Oakville,
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Itinerary for SEMO 6/27
5:00 am Arrive
5:15 am Departure
10:00 am Tournament/Challenge Start
2:00 pm Tournament/Challenge end
2:45pm Depart for home
Trip takes 3.5 to four hours one way
Friday, June 5, 2015
K-State Tournament Itinerary
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Free Physicals (July 23)
All physicals need to be turned in to Hickman's Athletic Director, JD Coffman, by August 1 -- not the football staff.
K-State 7-on-7 Info
Friday, May 22, 2015
Summer 2015 Parent Letter 5/22
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Parent Letter 5/12/15
- There will be no workouts the week of May 18th through May 22nd due to finals.
- All players will receive equipment on June 1st (not just freshman). The Riddell company representative will be here on June 1st to professionally fit all the players with helmets.
- On July 15th we will practice against Blair Oaks High School so that day will be reclassified as a competition day.
- Missouri State University One Day Camp on May 31st, Springfield Missouri
- University of Illinois One Day Camp on June 4th, O’Fallon Illinois.
- University of Kansas One Day Camp on June 5th, Lee Summit High School
- University of Missouri Black and Gold Camps June 7th and June 9th
Thursday, April 2, 2015
L'Damian Washington FCA Event
Monday, March 30, 2015
FAQs (March 30 Edition)
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Parent Letter 3/19/2015
If you have not, please fill out the student information sheet so that we can add information to the data base.
Also, please consider joining the Hickman Touchdown Club (which Coach Monroe mentions in his letter).
Please turn in any completed forms to the main office at Hickman High School.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Summer 2015 Information
The current summer schedule for workouts and practices has been added to the Hickman Football Google Calendar (see the calendar tab above). You can also download the month-by-month calendars via the links below.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Zero Hour (2015-16)
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Off-season Update
Hello All,
I hope everyone had a restful and bountiful holiday. The Hickman High School Football off-season will start tomorrow morning with a session at 6:45 am that will end at 8 am. There will also be an evening session that will start at 4:30 pm and last until 5:45 pm.
I have posted this letter to answer some of the frequently asked questions and to allow you a window into the goals of our off-season program at Hickman. The goals of our offseason program are to develop strength, speed, and flexibility are what you might expect. However we also use our off season program to build team camaraderie, team accountability, and hone a taste for competition. Your son’s participation in the off-season is vital in the development of our program.
Consistent participation is necessary to maximize development of our student athletes. I hope that my answers to the question posed below will answer some of the questions you may have. If there is something I have not covered please feel free to contact me at or 573-268-4813.
What are the days that we will work out?
Workouts will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rest days are Tuesday and Thursdays.
Are players required to attend both sessions?
The optimal plan is for two workouts on those days. I have asked for most of the upper classmen to have a strength and condition class for PE. Freshmen for the most part are not allowed into strength and conditioning classes without permission from the teacher. I had hoped that the boys could get two workouts in on our work days but I understand that there are issues with transportation, other siblings etc. If your son has a Strength and Conditioning class he only needs to attend one of the sessions. Most of the players who drive are attending the morning session and then their strength and conditioning class. Most of our young people who do not drive will be lifting in the after school session. If your son does not have strength and conditioning class you will have to make the decision that best suits your particular situation about getting him there for both workouts.
Will a Schedule be posted?
Yes, on the blog and on the school website.
If my son is involved in another sport what should he do?
Football, Baseball, Wrestling, and Track, have all agreed to support this program. I am not saying other sports are not. We are starting a new year with an emphasis on creating a platform for all our sports. The coaches of the above mentioned sports have discussed everything from the actual workouts to participation. Those athletes and any other Hickman athlete male or female that presents themselves will be trained. In regard to the Hickman Football Program, I expect all student athletes who intend to play football to participate in the offseason. I understand that those student athletes currently in season may not be participating especially if I have not spoken with the head coach of that program. Again I refer you to the opening sentence of this answer.
Does my son need to do something outside the Off- Season program?
No. As I stated in my letter in December we have had great success with our offseason program over the years at Hickman High School. The way we have set the program, rest days will be just as important as work days. We know how to train athletes. As I stated before this is not just about getting bigger stronger and faster, but also about building team, building community, and building pride. I expect all training activities to be completed by the staff and personnel at Hickman High School. As I stated there is no need for personal trainers or the like. We have an accomplished staff here at Hickman High.
How Can I help?
Please help by getting your son to workouts as consistently as possible. Also I found a pretty simple Nutrition Plan outlined by the staff at Baylor University. I found the plan easy to follow as did some of the parents who have read it. I posted it on the blog at
As crazy as it may sound our success and failure will depend a lot on how we prepare and how committed we are to the work in the weight room. In 2012 our attendance for 130 players was at 94% the following fall we were 9-2 and ranked 6th in the state. In 2011 and in 2013 we were under 90% attendance in the off season.
I hope I have answered some of your questions. If there was something I have not covered please feel free to contact me.
Coach Monroe