
Thursday, August 21, 2014


Please print and sign the appropriate form(s). You can email the completed form to or fax to Hickman at 573-214-3056.

MSHSAA Concussion Form

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hickman Football Apparel

Football apparel is available for all fans via the link below.

The link will only be open through Sunday, August 24th.

To purchase, use the promotion name Hickman football and the access code kewpies.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Parent Letter Aug 18

Dear Parents,

This morning starts the first week of school and I wanted to take a moment to address a few things. I have posted the schedule for August on the blog at but I wanted to talk about the football program as it relates to school more directly. As you know school starts at 8:55 in the morning and ends at 4:05. We will practice every day after school from 4:30 to 7:00.  To be competitive we need to practice at least 2 and one half hours a day. Please believe our opponents are doing so. I know that I have taken liberties with time over the summer and I will do my utmost best to stay on time. However keeping to that schedule will involve your son getting down stairs and out to practice as quickly as possible. Some of your sons do not move quickly, but I will commit to this. We will never be on the field past 7:15 regardless of our start. I encourage you to help me impress upon the players how important it is to get to practice. To aid in keeping on time I am asking all varsity players (starters and players rotating) to come in on Monday mornings at 8:00 am for a film session for the week. As school starts tomorrow I am asking that the varsity players come in Tuesday August 19 at 8:00 am for film session. Our next Film session will be Monday August 25th and every Monday after that.  This will alleviate some of the prep time needed in the evening so I can keep to the time commitment in the evening.

The football program will be checking grades weekly. Those grade checks are due every Thursday. Hickman has a no F policy. That means that if a student has an F on his progress report then he cannot participate in the games until that grade is raised to passing. He may practice but he cannot participate. My policy has been more proactive. Students who are not holding at least a C in a subject area may be encouraged to see his teacher for tutoring. This may mean he misses practice and meeting times. I will also be contacting you, as his teacher should, about any grade below a C in a subject area. I know as parents we all want our children to strive for academic excellence. It is my belief that if you come to school every day and do your work to the best of your ability, listen to your teachers, and stay out of trouble a student can regurgitate at least a C. I too am seeking academic excellence in their efforts just as I am on the field. I will be discussing this expectation with the team tonight.

In closing I want to address a concern that was shared. All of you have been very supportive over the summer and that has really been appreciated by your son, me, and my staff. However I have been made aware that some of you may have been upset about the time commitment that football takes. I understand your son is part of your family just as he is part of the Hickman family and family is important. I also understand your son, as well as, you have an expectation of success in this endeavor. I assure you that I and my staff share that same expectation and want your son to have the very best experience playing football that he can have. Please understand that sacrifices are being made every day by your son, by you, by your family, by me, and by my staff and their families. Let’s continue to work together to make this a successful experience for all.

Coach Monroe

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

2014 Jamboree Travel List

The travel squad is linked here. We look forward to having your support tomorrow night at Rock Bridge.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August Information

Please find an updated pdf of the calendar for August here. This has also been updated on the google calendar.

Hickman's Football schedule for 9th, JV, and Varsity games is at this link.

Thank you!